Hello Everyone!
I am getting a bit of a late start on all of this. Life has been a bit crazy- but here I am now! My name is Brianna Williams and I am a library media specialist at Abraham Wing School in Glens Fall, NY. I also am a part-time youth services librarian at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library. I have worked in the library field for about 15 years now, starting as a page then as a circulation clerk, and now a librarian! I was recently married in August, and live in Porter Corners with my husband and our cat, Matilda.
I am taking part in this program for two reasons. One, while I love books, my technology skills are not what I believe they should be. I can do a lot- but I know there is a lot for me still to learn! Also, my school is lacking in the technology department and I am hoping that I will learn new tools and skills that I can teach to our students and our faculty to help bring them up to speed with the other schools in the area. Our students switch districts after 6th grade (we have a very unique set up here) and I have heard through the grapevine that they are behind when it comes to technology when they arrive there. I am hoping to help bridge that gap!
I have done some blogging before- so this tool is pretty familiar for me. I have not been very good about keeping up with my previous blogging- so hopefully this time around I will be much better!
I am looking forward to learning all of these cool tools and expanding my knowledge! Let's do this! :)
Welcome to the Cool Tools workshop. Glad to have you on board. Funny coincidence, I've lived in both Glens Falls and Clifton Park! :)